Are you getting bombarded with spam messages via your OpenCart Contact Us page?
Or are you receiving more and more fake account registrations on your OpenCart site?
If the answer to above questions is yes then you might be targeted by spambots visiting your OpenCart site.
You can now stop these bad fellows with our new
SpamBot Buster tool!
What it does
The SpamBot Buster offers protection for the following pages:
- Contact Us
- Account Registration
- Checkout Registration
- Checkout Guest
- Affiliate Registration
- Product Returns
- Product Review
- Forgotten Password
- Reset Password
It uses a special invisible honeypot trap field to catch spambots whenever one of the above listed forms is submitted.
It can also check for some required mouse/touch/keyboard events which spambots, unlike humans, usually fail to trigger when posting a form.
Future spambot requests coming to your OpenCart server from the same IP-address can optionally be blocked, too, either permanently or for the initial session only.
This OpenCart extension does not modify any OpenCart core files. No XML-based modifications systems like OCmod or VQmod are needed. It only uses event handlers.
Installation (Opencart 2.3.0.x and 3.0.x.x)
- Go the Extensions > Installer and upload our * file
- Go to Extensions > Extensions > Modules > MHC Web Design - Spambot Buster to install and to configure this module
- Go to System > Users > User Groups > edit Administrator and make sure to set the 'access' and 'modify' rights for 'extension/module/spambot_buster' and 'extension/spambot'
That's it!
Installation (Opencart 4.0.x.x)
- Go the Extensions > Installer and upload our * file
- Go to Extensions > Installer to install this extension
- Go to Extensions > Extensions > Other > MHC Web Design - Spambot Buster to install and to edit its configuration
That's it!
Further help and customized versions
This extension has been successfully tested for the standard OpenCart, 3.0.x.x and 4.0.x.x releases.
Most of the standard-compliant web themes for above OpenCart releases should be fine for this OpenCart extension.
However, some non-standard themes or frameworks, such as Journal3, do not work with this extension!
If you need a customized version of this extension,
let us know and we can create one for a charge.
What customers say about SpamBot Buster
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