Using this extension you can quickly update product special price at one place. This will save tons to time to add special price to thousands of products.
For example: You want to set special price for special event like Christmas, New Year, etc. Then adding special price to each product might me tedious time. To save your time this extension comes handy and you can use your time on more important task rater than adding special prices to the products one by one.
Currently extension has few filters to choose products to whom you can add/update special price for products.
Experience how extension works and look in a live website
* Quickly Add/Update Products Special Prices
* Filters to choose products to Add/Update Special Prices
* Save time on more important tasks and no need to hire data entry person
* Option to delete existing or just add new special prices
* Quick Support
* Easy to install and setup within few clicks
* No Core file modification
* Easy to use admin panel
* Multi Store supported
* Multi Language supported
* Use OCMOD XML For Easy Installation
Get in touch with us at extensionstudio.oc@gmail.com
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