This extension will help you to manage specials price of product with easy. You can easily create specials price by products or categories. You can choose some products or categories and then set discount parameter like discount type, value, priority, etc.
There are 3 types discount, discount by percentage, fixed amount and flat price. In addition, you can edit specials data directly on the specials list table! Just click on a field and it will become editable. Clicking out of the field immediately saves it to the database. This extension also using ajax data table, this is will show data without reload.
✔ Edit specials directly on the special list page. Update discount, discount type, start and end dates and more.
✔ Apply specials to entire categories with ease.
✔ Easily show and/or hide columns from the list.
✔ Search box automatically filters categories and products as you type.
✔ Preloads data so you can switch pages even faster.
✔ Sort any field by clicking on the column header.
✔ Allows you to easily change the number of results per page.
Avaliable both OCMOD and VQMOD version
Demo: Here
username: demo
password: demo
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