Features ✔ Easy to install and setup ✔ Enable Partial Payment with any Payment Gateway ✔ Set different amount for different Payment Gateway ✔ Set with either Flat Amount or Percentage ✔ Multiple Language Support ✔ Does not modify any core file of Opencart. So you can upgrade your Opencart version without losing this extension
How To Install 1) In your OpenCart admin panel go to Extensions > Installer 2) Upload the file downloaded ocmod.zip file 3) Go to Extensions > Extensions, choose Order Totals from extension type 4) You will see Pay Rest On Arrival module there, click the Install button 5) After installing finished, click on edit button, configure this method as you like Congratulations! Pay Rest On Arrival module is now installed. Customer will see this in frontend as option in Payment Method tab on checkout page, and after opting for Pay Rest On Arrival, customer will only need to pay Partial Payment as per your configuration
Though this is free extension forever, but you can buy a coffee for me by paying some bucks using below link. A big thanks in Advance. :)
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