This extension serves to limit the use of reward points. In other words, the use of reward points will have maximum limit. It can be fixed points or percentage of the points total (total product price in reward points).
And the other is activation limit. Store owners can define the total amount to be achieved before reward points is active. If empty or zero, then the use of reward points will always be active.
- For Opencart 4, use VQMOD
need VQMOD for Opencart 2.6.7 or newer INSTALLED
- No new page. Only add new features on existing page
- Can be fixed points or percentage of the points total.
For percentage type, maximum limit is calculated from points total (sum of all 'product price in reward points' in the cart).
To find out how it works, you can go to the demo page.
1. Login with this account (that has reward points):
- e-mail: user1demo@aauwwo.com
- password: demodemo
2. Go to product page for 'Iphone'.
--- it has 'price in reward points' - it can be purchased with 505 reward points
3. Put it in the cart.
4. Go to your shopping cart page.
5. On the options 'use reward points', you can see the maximum reward points that can be used.
--- points that can be used is 123 instead of 505, because limitation is active
6. Try to apply reward points.
--- a warning will appear that you can't use reward points because the total amount has not been exceeded -according to settings is $150
7. Now change the quantity to 2.
8. Try again to apply reward points.
--- now reward points can be applied, because it has exceeded the minimum total amount
To find out how the setting, you can go to the admin demo page.
username: demo
password: aauwwo
1. Open Extensions > Order Totals
2. Edit: Reward Points
3. You can find a new fields there: 'Total Amount', 'Enable Usage Limitation', 'Type' and 'Maximum Use'
- 'Total Amount' is the total amount that must be reached before reward points can be used (active).
- 'Enable Usage Limitation' is to activate the limitation.
- 'Type' to select whether fixed points or percentage.
- 'Maximum Use' is the value of the desired limit.
--- as a demo user, you can only view it (you can't modify) ---

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