== Slovenčina ==
Dognet Affiliate
Profesionálna affiliate sieť so stovkami inzerentov a tisíckami publisherov. využite silu affiliate marketingu! Staňte sa affiliate publisherom, alebo ako inzerent zvýšte predaje.
Dognet je sieť zameraná na poskytovanie affiliate kampane ako služby. Nepredávame len technické riešenie, klientom ponúkame pomoc pri rozbehnutí aj správe kampane.
Inzerent platí len províziu z predaja. Spolupráca prebieha bez paušálnych alebo integračných poplatkov. Všetko funguje čisto na výkonnostnom princípe.
Modul Dognet Affiliate
Modul má integrované Sledovací tracking aj Sale Tracking.
- podpora všetkých najpoužívanejších checkout (Journal2, Journal3, QuickCeckout, Ajax Quick Checkout)
- podpora multistore
- integrovaný sledovací tracking
- integrovaný sale tracking
- podpora meny EUR, CZK, HUF, PLN, RON
- podpora Dognet siete: Slovenko, Česko, Hungary, Romania, Poland
Podpora verzií
Opencart verzie 2.x a 3.x
== English ==
Dognet Affiliate
A professional affiliate network with hundreds of advertisers and thousands of publishers. harness the power of affiliate marketing! Become an affiliate publisher or increase sales as an advertiser.
Dognet is a network focused on providing affiliate campaigns as a service. We do not only sell technical solutions, we also offer clients help with launching and managing a campaign.
The advertiser only pays a commission on the sale. Cooperation takes place without flat-rate or integration fees. Everything works purely on the principle of performance.
Dognet Affiliate Module
The module has integrated Tracking and Sale Tracking.
- support for all the most used checkouts (Journal2, Journal3, QuickCeckout, Ajax Quick Checkout)
- multistore support
- integrated tracking tracking
- integrated sale tracking
- currency support EUR, CZK, HUF, PLN, RON
- Dognet network support: Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, Poland
Version support
Opencart versions 2.x and 3.x
Web: opencart-solutions.com
Email: support@opencart-solutions.com
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