Daily Sales Report Summary Email Plugin for your OpenCart Store Can boost your sales and find the trending products lists.
By this Daily Sales Report Summary Extension, you will know which products are performing well in your store. Our clean and clear email notifications send this information directly to your inbox, without any extra action required by you. It gives you all reports of previous date about your store’s Net of Sales, New customer’s details.
Also, you will get order IDs and their Shipping Locations in one report to track your shipment directly and keep updated with your team with a hassle-free schedule to see the Admin panel after logging every day. Below we listed out the all functionalities and report sections that are present in the report.
Features List
Please find some features list of plugin following:
* Admin will Receive daily sales report email via cron job
* Email Contains Total New Signup Count
* New Signup Personal details list
* Complete order’s Locations
* Total Credit Notes Created
* Total Order Placed and Status
* Total Coupon Purchased
* Total Sales Value with Tax & net of value
* Total Tax paid by customer.
* List of Product Purchased yesterday.
Easy to Install
Extension easy to use in OpenCart 2x, OpenCart 3x versions using the installation process as provided by OpenCart but If still, you face any problem then we will suggest you read our “Basic Steps To Install The Extensions In OpenCart 2x, OpenCart 3.x” post and If still, you have a problem then contact to our support team.
How To Install
Please follow the following steps to install the extensions in the OpenCart 3.x
Step 1 Download the zip file of this plugin. Please make sure that you are downloading the correct version extension.
Step 2 Open the following installer page admin section of OpenCart 3.x. Admin >> Extensions >> Installer
Step 3 On the above installer page upload the downloaded extension zip file.
Step 4 After successfully installed the extension from Step-3, now open the following Modifications page and click on “Clear” button on top right side to clear all modifications. Admin >> Extensions >> Modifications
Step 5 Now, go to the following Module page and click on the “Install” button to install the extension completely: Admin >> Extensions >> Modules
Great!! You installed the extension successfully.
For Support
Please reach out to our support team for any technical support at contact@questwalktech.com.
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