This module provides you with a complete list of products and product options along with their important information.
In fact, you can see all the items in your store at a glance. Find out their number and price quickly and easily.
You can also download the list of products and options as a PDF file.
After installing the plugin, a shortcut button will appear on the counter (admin) which, when clicked, will take you to the "Product and Options List" page.
On this page, you can filter products by product name or manufacturer name.
For easier recognition, the colors of the main products are different from "Options".
Please use the demo version below to learn more about the functionality of this module.
Module Page
username: demo
password: demo
PDF file
Module Page
Dashboard shortcut button (admin)
Extension Installation Guide
Upload the zip file via extensions / Installer / Upload
Once the upload is done, Please go to Extensions / Extensions/modules And Install "Complete list of products (PDF)".
Then, Please go to Extensions / Modifications and hit the refresh button.
For install and support free click on the "GET SUPPORT" button on this page. or drop me an email:
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