TMD (PWA) Progressive Web Applications
Most advanced (PWA) Progressive Web Applications increase better sales and better customer satisfaction.With this App, you can increase your online sales.because Everyone use modern web technologies and design patterns to provide a reliable, fast Work experience.
so we can say All E-commerce owners have already felt the positive result after use PWA. because we provide for App many Features like,
Admin can manage and configure the Opencart PWA settings. Admin can edit the application name, icon, background image Etc, also available many options in admin panel, its Fully Customize App.
Whole Multiple features before Buy can see in Documentations

Anther Features are:-
* Admin can change Application Name From PWA Setting.
* Admin can Set Color Theme according to their need.
* Admin can change header footer Setting from admin panel.
* Admin can set Product page as per need.
* Whole color theme setting available in admin panel.
* Admin can set label of text from admin panel.
* Customer can add the application Icon inside their mobile home screen
* Customer feel free if he like shopping on mobile devices.
* Fast Loading and Sleek.
* Free And Fast Support.
* No Core File Changes.
* Support All Versions.
* It Support Multi-language.
* Support Multi- Store.
* Installation Guidance Included in Documentation link
* We Provide free support & Best Support.

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