This extension serves to make the use of reward points can be used directly, which has a certain value against the currency.
In the default opencat system, reward points can only be used when there are products that have price in reward points in the cart. And the value of reward points against the currency itself varies depending on the price and price in reward points comparison for each product.
For store owners who don't want such a system, and want reward points to be used freely (as long as the customer has reward points), not tied to the product, and has a certain value against currency (eg: 1 point worth $1), then can use this extension.
- For Opencart 4, use VQMOD
need VQMOD for Opencart 2.6.7 or newer INSTALLED
- No new setting page, just adding fields on existing page.
- Easy setup.
To find out how the setting, you can go to the admin demo page.
--- as a demo user, you can only view it (you can't modify it) ---
username: demo
password: aauwwo
1. Open Extensions > Order Totals
2. Edit: Reward Points
3. You can find a new fields there: 'Enable Fixed Value' and 'Value'
'Enable Fixed Value' is to activate the fixed value system.
'Value' is the reward points value against currency value.
>>> on this demo, value = 0.05, which means 1 point is worth $0.05
To find out how it works, you can go to the demo page.
1. Login with this account (that has reward points):
- e-mail: temporary@aauwwo.com
- password: demodemo
2. Make an order.
3. Go to your shopping cart page.
4. Put the value of the reward points you want to use.
>>> eg: 100 points, then you will get a purchase discount of $5
>>> you can try with other values

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