Multivendor Register Custom Field Addon
With the help of the custom registration fields Module, with This way, admin can take any important and additional information about the vendors by adding the custom fields on the registration form. store owner from admin panel can add custom field section and custom fields as per the requirement of the store. also he can set different types of fields for vendor Singnup Form Like: Select, Radio, Checkbox, Text, Text Area,File, Date, Time and Date & Time.

Another Features are:-
* Multiple custom fields can be added on the registration page
* Admin can add the field from the back end as per need of vendor Information.
* Admin can set validations for Form.
* Admin can easily activate or inactivate the fields added.
* Admin can Collect additional and important information from the Vendor registering on the site.
* Supported Custom Fields are:
- Select
- Radio
- Checkbox
- Text
- Text Area
- File
- Date
- Time
- Date & Time
* Fast Loading and Sleek.
* Free And Fast Support.
* No Core File Changes.
* Support All Versions.
* Installation Guidance Included in Documentation link
* We Provide free support & Best Support.

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