With the help of Registration Discount extension you can send the Discount coupon to the customer on the Registration which attract the customer for registration which result in more sale. It is a must have extension.
Registration Discount extension boost your sell by sending coupon on registration and give you more registered customer, which result in more sale.
Boost your sale by sending coupon to the customer on the registration
-Get Discount Coupon On Registration
-With the help of Registration Discount extension you can send the Discount coupon to the customer on the Registration.
-Boost your sale by sending coupon to the customer on the registration
-Registration Discount extension boost your sell by sending coupon on registration and giue you more registered customer.
-You can easily enable disable this module from admin.
-You can easily change the Coupon email text and Coupon Code.
-OCMOD Based so no core file modified.
-Easily coupon message change from admin section.
-Send Coupon with Registration Email.
-Select which Coupon to send on Registration.
-Add the text which will be with registration email.
-This extension surely Boost your sell as more customer will register to get discount coupon.
-If Customer get discount coupon that result in more sale.
Free installation service.

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