Opencart Multivendor

Opencart Multivendor
Multi Vendor
Multi Vendor Module As the name suggests, a multi-vendor website or store is a platform for third-party vendors to sell in one place. In simple terms, it is a big shop that contains various small shops that are run by individual sellers.
To make it more relatable, think of it as a mall (owned by you) that delivers to people’s homes. Your mall contains many small shops. The responsibility of running each shop lies with the individual shop owner whereas the more significant burden of storing the products, delivering them to people’s homes, and collecting payments lies with you.
Now, imagine this mall in an online eCommerce setup. Your mall becomes a marketplace, the small shops are the seller’s stores, and you are responsible for the order processing, shipping, and payments (if there are any due). This is what a multi-vendor eCommerce website/online marketplace looks like.

Installation Steps

[*]If You are using OpenCart 3.X.X.X version, you need to install Installation Issue Fixed Module.

1.Copy all files/folder to exact location manually. ( Goto step 6 )

2.OR with the help of "Extension Installer" below are the steps.

3.Open your admin goto Extensions Tab and click "Extension Installer".

4.Then click on "Upload" button and select the folder/directory "".

5.5.After that Goto "Modification" you can see the file below, now click clear and refresh button.

6.Now Goto Extension Tab and select "Extension" then click on dropdown menu and select "Module".

7.Then click on "Install" and "Edit" button.

Vendor Features:-
Customer can become Vendor.
Customer auto approved/ approval by admin.
Vendor can Add Multiple Product.
Vendor can use admin product or also create self product.
Vendor product auto approved and approval by admin.
Vendor can Add Multiple Category.
Vendor can use admin category or also create self category.
Vendor product approval and disapproval by admin.
Vendor can create and add the Filters.
Vendor can create Attribute.
Vendor can create Option.
Vendor can create Manufacturer.
Vendor can create Downloads.
Vendor can create Attribute Group.
Vendor can display the self product purchasing orders list.
Vendor can display the product commission list.
Vendor can display the paid Subscription list and purchase the subscription that is create by admin.
Vendor can withdrawal the Amount/Currency and display the Transection List.
Vendor can add and edit Store Information.
Vendor can add and edit Bank and PayPal Details.
Vendor can add visit our Store.

Admin Features:-
Admin can give the configuration settings as show in below .
Admin can Enabled or Disabled Auto approved Vendor.
Admin can Enabled or Disabled Auto approved Product.
Admin can Enabled or Disabled Auto approved Category.
Admin can Enabled or Disabled Vendor can Add/Edit/Delete review.
Admin can Enabled or Disabled Vendor Name In Cart.
Admin can Enabled or Disabled the add Multiple Product to the Vendor.
Admin can Enabled or Disabled the Product Category Required For Vendor.
Admin can Enabled or Disabled the Admin Receive Email After Product Add.
Admin can Enabled or Disabled the Product Tabs ex Links, Attribute and Option etc.
Admin can Enabled or Disabled the Vendor Change the Order Status.
Admin can Enabled or Disabled the Notify Admin When Order Status Is Changed By Vendor.
Admin can Enabled or Disabled the send Mail To Vendor On Product Purchase.
Admin can Enabled or Disabled the Customer can see vendor email ID.
Admin can Enabled or Disabled the Customer can see vendor telephone.
Admin can set commission status and Default Commission charges on Vendor Product.
Admin can set the minimum withdrawal amount and maximum withdrawal amount.
that's all configuration setting.
Admin can display the Vendors Records or Vendors List as well as edit Vendors Store and filters the Vendors records/data.
Admin can display the Commission Records/List as well as filters the Vendors records/data.
Admin can display the Vendors Products List as well as edit Vendors Products and filters the Vendors Product and Approved/Disapproved the Vendors Product.
Admin can display the Vendors Category List as well as edit Vendors Category and Approved/Disapproved the Vendors Category.
Admin can display the Vendors Orders List as well as view Vendors Orders and filters the Vendors Orders Records/Data.
Admin can send Mail to Approved/Disapproved/all Vendors.
Admin can display the Vendors Product Review List as well as view Vendors Review and Approved/Disapproved the Review.
Admin can create the Pincode/Zipcode for product sale in particular Pincode/Zipcode.
Admin can create the Subscription Plan for all Vendors.
Admin can create the Subscription Plan for all Vendors.
Admin can display the Vendors withdrawal amount request List as well as view Vendors transection list and transfer the amount and filters records/data.
Admin export the vendors Product List in MS Excel Sheet.
Admin can display SEO Keyword list and create and delete the SEO Keyword and filters records/data.
Admin can set SMS Information for send SMS to Vendor on Order Complete, Pending etc.

More Details ....

Admin Login Details / Credential
username - demo
password - admin

Frontend Demo
Step-1 User Register
Step-2 Become Vendor

Services is Paid:-

Skype: jks0586
Whats App: +91-9717478599
Support: 24X7

  • Developed by OpenCart Community
  • Documentation Included



Last Update
28 Feb 2023

10 Jan 2022
Member since: 5 Jun 2017

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