This module allows to show free shipping label on products, conditional label based on product price. For example: If a product price is $80 or more then “Free Shipping” label will appear at product page. This label for particular product shows at home page, category page, et cetera . Please note, it is just a label you can put any text instead of “Free Shipping” and has no alert message and/or related to “Free Shipping” shipping method at cart page, checkout page. Provide additional information which will show in modal popup when user click at “Free Shipping” label.
✫ Product price as a base criteria to show label
✫ Label additional information
✫ Display free shipping label on products list
✫ Display free shipping label on product detail page
✫ Multi Store supported
✫ Multi Language supported
✫ No core file change
✫ One Time Free Installation Support is provided
✫ Quick and reliable support
✫ Contact for free installation and best support.
✫ We support our clients and help them to install and understand how to use this extension.
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