The extension shows a date and time fields on checkout. Customers will be able to choose a preferred delivery date and time of their order.
There are several modes available in the extension. The delivery date field may ask for a date, date and time, and date plus time intervals. An administrator can specify working hours for regular workdays and working time for holidays.
The extension gives an option to define a preparation time for shipping methods. For example, preparation time for 'Pick up at store' method might be zero, but the preparation time for courier delivery may be 30 minutes.
The extension is compatible with Journal 3.2.x 3rd party theme. Anyway, we can make a free adaptation of the extension to your theme.
Demo Store
login: demo
password: demo
Test product
If it is not convenient for you to check the functionality at the public demo store, we can create a private personal demo for you where you will be able to change any available settings. In that case please contact us at support@ka-station.com or through 'Get support' button at this page.
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