Swedish translation of OpenCart store front and admin, including OpenCart Default Extensions.
Includes translation of default database entries for
- Length classes
- Weight classes
- Order status
- Return action
- Return reason
- Return status
- Stock status
- Subscription status
Adds Swedish as localisation language.
Optional add of SEK currency.
Front demo
Admin demo
Admin login & password:
All demo files and database will be restored every night at 02:00 Swedish time.
Installing language_swedish.ocmod.zip as a Language Extension.
- Download and install from Extensions | Marketplace or download manually from marketplace and upload using Extensions | Installer
- Go to Extensions | Installer and click install for Language Swedish
- Go to Extensions | Extensions and select Languages as extension type
- Select Install for Swedish
- Select Edit

- Enable SEK currency if you want extension to add currency
- Change status to enabled
- Click Save
- Go to System | Localisation | Languages and click Edit for Svenska
- Change status to enabled to show it in language dropdown, then Save
Swedish language is now enabled and can be selected from language dropdown.
Installed language files are removed.
Translation of default database entries added during installation are removed.
In OpenCart < your own translations of products, categories, information pages etc are not removed.
In OpencCart >= all translations are removed when uninstalling a language.
- Backup database to keep your own swedish translations of products, categories, information pages etc for future use.
- Go to Extensions | Extensions and select Languages as extension type
- Select Uninstall for Swedish
- Go to Extensions | Installer and click Uninstall for Language Swedish
- Click Delete for Language Swedish
Future improvements and upgrades are included when buying the extension.
Upgrading an extension is not supported in OpenCart, you need to uninstall existing version and then install new version.
Report an improvement or having issues
Either leave a comment or use the Get Support option.
Login and write down your comment.
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