This extension can improve your customer service as well as helps you distribute orders (as tasks) among your team members. It enables orders to be assigned to the team members and keeps a record of assigned orders’ history. Pro assigned extension sends an email to the user and it only shows the assigned order to the user(to who the order is assigned). It is a very easy-to-install and helpful extension. You can assign an order to one of your team members easily to hold someone responsible for the specific order e.g delivery staff, inquiry, or sales department. By defining the filter criteria, you can use a filter to see overall (total) orders assigned to a user. New* each admin can see their orders on their dashboard screen including the orders with no movement or pending orders.

username: demo
password: demo
After the successful installation the extension will show the following changes:
Orders Page: Admin Site => Sales => Order
Order Info Page:
Admin User Dashboard:
Before Installation:
Before installing the extension, please keep in mind that:
This extension will affect your Sales Orders / Users Files in Admin and Catalog directories.
Make a backup of your Server's directories especially the Sales order, User directories in the Admin, and Catalog directories.
This extension will make changes in your database, make a backup of your database
This extension will show errors and warnings if the edit permission is not allowed on your server's directories or if the extension is installed incorrectly (without following installation instructions).
In case of an error, uninstall the extension and clear the cache, and refresh the modification from the extension modification page or manually from storage/modifications.
Order Assign Module:
The order assign module is an admin tool that shows the information about assigned orders with charts and gives overall info about the assigned orders. The module’s tools can be used to filter the assigned orders with different criteria; that include, the pending orders (No movement or progress on the orders) as well as the delay (by days) in the order process. The clickable order numbers hyperlink opens the order instantly as a popup window and allows users to make changes instantly. The unassigned orders list makes it easy for the admin to assign orders to users while staying on the same module page. The excel export button exports the active module data as an excel file to your local device. The email sent button will send emails to all the users with their assigned orders in tables.
Module Installation:
Module files are located in the extension’s “upload” folder, upload the mentioned folder on the webserver (if not already uploaded).
Go to Admin Panel => Extensions => Filter Dropdown and Select “Modules”
Spot the module “Order Assign” in the modules list and press the green button to install the module.
Click on the module edit button to access the module’s user interface.
Module Features:
Order Charts: The module’s visual data charts show the 2 types of data, total orders, assigned and unassigned orders, and assigned orders with different statuses. Interactive charts can filter and hide the data.
All Assigned Orders Table: It shows all assigned orders with users whose orders are assigned with the current and assigned order status.
Assigned Order Filter By Assigned Date & Order Status: Filter assigned orders by date (Calendar Dialog to select the date) and assigned order status to see the progress for that particular day and status when assigned.
Filter Assigned Order By User: Filter assigned order by each user and user group, the result shows the current order and assigned order status as well as the user to who the order was assigned with a date.
Filter Pending Assigned Orders Select Day: Option for filter orders with no movement or the same orders statuses as the time when assigned to the users. The result shows the orders ( with the same status) with a pending progress gap in days from the ordering time to the current day, assigned to, order date, and assigned date in a table.
Unassigned Orders List: Unassigned orders list shows the list of orders that are not assigned to anyone. The clickable order number allows the user to open the order popup window and assigned the orders to the user by using the same module.
Module Permission: The module permission can be edited to give access to the relevant users by their user groups; You can change user group permission from System => Users => User Groups and edit the user group you want to block or allow access to the assigned order module.
Important: This module's purpose is to allow the admin to see the team's performance with regard to the order assigned to them and interact with orders and users. There is no save or enable option in this module as it doesn’t offer anything that needs to be stored in the module. The module can show you the error in case of an improperly installed extension or a disabled MySQL server. The Module will not work if the extension “Assigned -Pro.ocmod” is not installed or disabled. If the extension is disabled or not installed, the following message will appear on the module page;
The module page will show you the following content:
Send Emails To Users Button: This button sends emails to all users who are assigned orders by the admin with their assigned orders list. This filters users and only chooses those who have an order assigned and sends an easy-to-understand HTML Table with order id and statuses via email.
Export Active Data Button: This button generates a downloadable excel sheet with the currently active data of the module to be stored on your local device. The excel sheet stores each table as an Excel sheet Tab and only generate tabs for the active table(s) (Module’s visible tables).

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