In admin panel, you can custom product's filter and sort list by this module, same as old operating habits, making you manage products more convenient and easier.
You can custom product's filter by follow fields: Product Name, Model, SKU, UPC, EAN, JAN, ISBN, MPN, Price, Quantity, Minimum Quantity, Location, Status, Requires Shipping, Subtract Stock, Date Added, Date Available, Date Modified, Length, Width, Height, Weight, Sort Order, Reward Points, Description, Meta Tag Title, Meta Tag Description, Meta Tag Keyword, Product Tag, Manufacturer, Category, Filter, Attribute Name, Attribute Text, Option Value, Out Of Stock Status, Store, Language, Tax Class.
You can custom product's sort list by follow fields: Product Name, Model, SKU, UPC, EAN, JAN, ISBN, MPN, Price, Quantity, Minimum Quantity, Location, Status, Requires Shipping, Subtract Stock, Date Added, Date Available, Date Modified, Length, Width, Height, Weight, Sort Order, Reward Points, Meta Tag Title, Meta Tag Keyword, Product Tag, Manufacturer, Out Of Stock Status, Tax Class.
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Demo Username: productdemo01
Demo Password: productdemo01
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