For Opencart 2.0.0click here
Are you tired to upload images and then select them to your products?
This extension is all you need to forget about wasting your time to setup images into your products.
This module will add an additional button in your "Image" tab (Products), and give you the functionality to choose multiple image files from your computer.
If you are using FireFox or Google Chrome even better! Just Select the images and DRAG them to the browser! The images will be uploaded and shown in your gallery.
Drag-and-Drop image select in FireFox, Google Chrome
Option to choose which of the additional image will be treated as default image
Fully working with https
Doesn't use Flash!
No external dependencies
Tested in IE7,8; Firefox 3,3.6,4; Safari4,5; Chrome; Opera10.60
Readme.txt included.
NOTE: We are not able to provide any support anymore. DEMO Multi image uploader demo
user: demo
pass: demo
Go to: "Catalog > Products > edit existing or Insert New > (tab) Image > (button) Add from Computer or Drag&Drop"
This extension will override some of your admin files:
It is IMPORTANT to know that this module is for default Opencart administration.
This action will protect you in case you have custom made functionality in your Opencart store!
If you've made changes to default opencart files (admin/model/catalog/product.php;
view/template/catalog/product_form.tpl), I recommend you to use the Vqmod Multi Image upload from here:
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