PayCharge - Add Charge or Discount to Payment Method
PayCharge, allows you to add charge or a discount, depending on the type of payment chosen by customers.
It can be used to compensate the transaction payment fee, by charging a percentage or fixed, to be used, for example, as a supplement PayPal or Moneybookers, payment on delivery, discount bank transfer, etc...
Simple and Complete panel for to manage your Payment Fees and Payment Discounts. This component is not afraid of competition.
This is an ocmod extension, use the Opencart Installer for to install.
More details into the package.
This software (ex Fixed Payment Type Charge) for previous Opencart v1.5.x.x has been stopped.
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= Features:
* Rule: Payment Method
* Rule: Cart Minimum and Cart Maximum
* Rule: Customer Group
* Rule: Geo Zone
* Unlimited selection/configuration, enable/disable the same Payment Methods by rule
* Cart Minimum and Cart Maximum
* Customer Group
* Geo Zone
* Charge and/or Discount
* Percentage Value and/or Fixed Value
* Complex or Simple Formula of mathematic calculations
* Support tax classes
* Multilanguage for detailed independent description
* Display Charges and Discounts, values and/or calculations in store-front: Checkout -> Payment Step #5
* Display Charge Informations in Checkout -> Confirm Step #6
= Complex and Simple formula:
- Customer cart: $100.00
- Paypal commission: 3.40%
Simple formula: (100.00 * 0.034) = ($103.40 - 3.40%)
- The customer pays 103.40 and so when Paypal takes its committees you get $99.8844 instad of $100.00
Complex Formula (100.00 * 0.034) / (1 - 0.034) = (103.52 - 3.40%):
- The customer pays 103.52 then you get $100.00
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