This contribute SoftLink Product Compatibility as opencart plugin to extend the opencart avaibility to show compatible list at product page. This is very useful features especially selling products that need to list down all the compatible informations without confuse the customer.
Easy to add/remove unlimited list
Multiple compatible list within same product supported
Multi-languages supported (Limit to software name only)
Easy Install
1) Unzip and upload the contents to the root directory of your OpenCart installation
2) Goto http://ip_address/phpMyAdmin, select your opencart database -> Import -> Browse -> mysql.sql
(Note: If the opencart install with prefix (ocart_), please edit mysql.sql file to include prefix(example : product -> ocart_product) for all tables before import)
3) Login to administrator page, goto 'Admin->Users->User Groups->Edit the Top Administrator'.Then find and check the catalog/softlinks and catalog/softlinks for both modify and access. Save.
4) Login to administrator page, 'Catalog -> SoftLinks -> Insert/Edit'
5) Login to administrator page, 'Catalog -> Products -> Edit -> Compatibility -> Add Version'
6) Type the software name and select the compatible list.Save.
7) Go product page and you will able to see the compatible list accordingly.
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