OCumulus - Tags and/or Categories in an Exciting 3D Tagcloud
In short: OCumulus is a Quick Navigation Flash Cloud that displays your tags and/or categories in a fancy 3D rotating sphere (Tag and/or Category Cloud).
OCumulus allows you to display your e-store's tags, categories or both using a Flash movie that rotates them in 3D. It works just like a regular tags cloud, but is more visually exciting and attracting your visitors attention. Clicking the tags/categories names takes the visitor to the appropriate page (that's why the module's heading in client's area is 'Quick Navigation').
There are various options for setting up your quick navigation cloud behaviour and look to fit your design and needs: names' rotation speed, size, number or color; background and size of the cloud, etc.
OCumulus is multilingual and multistore friendly. And when your visitor shitches to another language or store the cloud will display the names available in the chosen language or store. By default all Latin and Cyrillic charachters are supported.
I'm sure your visitors would love using OCumulus. You too!
Demo sites:
http://demoshop.opencart.bg (on category and product pages)
user and pass: demo
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