Purolator is one of Canada's largest courier services. This shipping module provides real time shipping estimates using their API based on weight of the products in the cart. Dimensions was to be implemented but found stores use different size boxes, adding a challenge to the implementation.
This module uses a virtual box size in order to submit an estimate number of packages to be shipped. This was done because Purolator will count the number and quantity of products in the cart and treat that number as individual packages to be shipped. Adding the virtual box provides a closer estimate.
This module will allow the use of the Purolator Development system in addition to the Production system. No changing of the core code is required.
Provided in this release is the Purolator WSDL file required to make it work. All you have to do is upload it to your Opencart installation and away you go.
PLEASE NOTE: Purolator requires a SOAP connection to their API, and as such, is a requirement of this module. Please make sure that SOAP is enabled by your host provider.
If something is needed in addition to what is provided, please comment and I will look to add it in future revisions. Not to mention. plans to make shipping with Purolator a bit easier are in the making for this module.
Released a version for 1.4.x because of some demand, but is no longer supported unless really needed.
OC 1.5.5 -> There was a reported issue with the language loader in Opencart 1.5.5. It was corrected in If you have installed 1.5.5 and try to use the module, you will receive "Fatal error: Call to undefined method Loader::language()". Upgrading to will resolve the issue.
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