Advanced filter module. multilingual and multi-prices, seo-compatible, display only existing in current page options/attributes/manufacturers
Filter by price(including discounts, specials, taxes), options (option images), attributes(multiattributes, sliders), manufacturers, categories, (tags in versions 1.5.[0-3]), instock
Ajax only(very fast), no vQmod, does not override shop files
Visibility for filter boxes and style(selects, checkboxes, radio, slider for attributes) in admin panel
integration with sorting, paging (ajax only, not reload)
recalculation of counts at each parameter
create table indexes for speed up, cache on client side (filter from cache is instantly)
works on category layout (only products of current category)
on manufacturer layout (only products of current manufacturer)
on home page (all products)
specials (only specials products)
convenient apply-button in admin
demo http://ocstore.orcart.ru/desktops/
admin http://ocstore.orcart.ru/admin/index.php?route=module/filterpro demo/demo
free support period is 1month
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