*Introduction :
Module PO Accordion Dropdown Category replaces default module category with convenient and nice dropdown effect, making your opencart site more attractive. You can set font, font-size , font-weight , font-color , category background , category active background…. flexibly, easily and fast.
Fast and easy installation (About 5 minutes)
Instructionfile attached simple, easy-understand
*Demo :
Front-end : http://demo.premieropencart.com/po-accordion-dropdown-category/index.php?route=product/category&path=20
Back-end : http://demo.premieropencart.com/po-accordion-dropdown-category/admin (username/password : demo/demo)
*Support :
Support immediately within 24 hours
Support Mail: support@premieropencart.com
Support Ticket : Coming Soon
+View all my extensions at : http://www.opencart.com/index.php?route=extension/extension&filter_username=PremierOpencart.Com
+We appreciate your comment and ideas for a more perfect extension and always update for next op version
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