Total-Based Shipping module. If you charge shipping based on order total, total items in cart or product weight. this module is for you. It supports geo zone. You can configure multiple shipping options and rates tier for each option and geo zone. Set as many rates slab as required.
Example rates slab:
Order Subtotal | Standard | Two Day | Next Day
$0 - $25 | $4.95 | $18.95 | $39.95
$25 - $50 | $8.95 | $20.95 | $44.95
$50 - $100 | $10.95 | $24.95 | $49.95
$100 - $500 | $15.95 | $29.95 | $59.95
Order Subtotal | Standard | Two Day | Next Day
$0 - $25 | $7.95 | $20.95 | $39.95
$25 - $50 | $9.95 | $22.95 | $44.95
$50 - $100 | $12.95 | $26.95 | $49.95
$100 - $500 | $15.95 | $32.95 | $59.95
Refer screen shots to see how the above rates can be configured with this module.
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