The ImagEngine Extension will provide extra (PHP) image manipulation.
It also gives more control over your popups, and a centralized image-settings page.
What you get:
- Control Image Quality
- Control Image Caching
- Extra Image settings like: Caching, Image Rotation, Fixed Size and Image Borders
- Text Image (using TTF Fonts) Support
- JPG, PNG, GIF and BMP-Image Support
- Extra Image Functions like: Text Image, Image Rotate, Image Merge and Image Crop
- Full contol over Image Sizes. (Stretch, Keep ratio, or Scale to fit)
- Image Add-Ons (Border, "Special!", "New!", "Bestseller" and "Zoom")
If you are a developer, and you need some extra image manipulation functions, this is the Extension for you!
This module is FREE, but if you like to donate:
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