This is a VQMOD xml file... no editing of core files.
This Mod adds a quantity box and options selection (if there are any options set) for Products on the category pages. Options will display next to description then quantity box.
This makes it easy for a quick sale... not forcing the customer to go into the actual page of the product to select options or quantity..
This is also great if you want to group similar products under a category... so all products in same category will be listed together on 1 page allowing someone to purchase the item with options and quantity without clicking to the inner page. All products are really individual products (separate skew #s ect)
Please see the screenshot.
May need styling to meet your sites look and feel.
This is tested on the default opencart theme.version 1.5.4
May work on other versions but not guaranteed. Will run a test soon.
For v 1.5.3 see link below
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