Inspired by ancient castles and old farms of grapes in France, designer of Opencart Wine Store made these symbols the theme’s background. A classical white, a simple layout and a neat, clean organization create a professional e-commerce solution for wine stores.
Although contains a huge range of powerful new modules such as flexible mega menu, product filters, tag cloud or jQuery Elastislide effect, users cannot skip the new applications, Responsive Web Design and Template Color.
Color of template now can be chosen, from the selection of default, blue, orange and brown, by owners. All the new modules are configurable in back-end. Content and caption are supported multiple language while multiple currencies are also available. Tag cloud provides quick view of products. Products are classified into featured categories and customers can find their target by Alphabeth. Network connections to the most popular sites will definitely enhance visitors’ shopping experience and boost sales.
DEMO: http://demo.bossthemes.com/winehouse
Key features:
Responsive Web Design
- CSS3 media queries
- Fluid proportion-based grids
- Flexible images
New Module Boss - Mega Menu: Mega menu with many custom options
- Configure menu in backend
- Configure width and columns of drop down menu
- Configure columns for each option
- Configure header menu and support multi-language
- Configure many types of flexible menus by combining options together.
- Link to website's address
- Multiple categories
- Featured Products
- Static content
- Manufacturers
- Informations
New Module Boss - Home Filter Products
- Show product filter on homepage
- Conditions:
+ Popular Products
+ Special Products
+ Best Seller Products
+ Latest Products
+ Choose a category
Module Boss - Latest Products
- Show latest products.
- Jquery Elastislide effect
New Module Boss - Latest Review
- Show latest review product
- column position (left or right)
New Module Boss - Slideshow:
- Show 1 FlexSlider on homepage
- Configure image + caption + url in backend
- Multiple languages for caption
New Module Boss - Static Block:
- Show static content in many different positions and layouts
- Configure in backend
- Multiple language for content
New Module Boss - Template Color
- Set default color
- Disable color-changing button in front-end
Free Module Tag Cloud: Show tag cloud of products
Set up full site and theme in existing source opencart
Fast configure modules for more like site demo
Using vQmod to overwrite controllers
Other features:
Configurable side column position (left or right)
Single or multi-column layout (configurable)
Grid / list products view
BossThemes is a Premium OpenCart Themes & OpenCart Templates Provider. We have been implementing eCommerce solutions for over 10 years and our talented team has more than 50 developers and consultants passionate about eCommerce. Our deep understanding of ecommerce, user experience design and online marketing makes us the perfect choice to help you with your new Opencart ecommerce website.
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