Updated 19 Jun 2018
Image Housekeeping Tool v1.3
NEW Spaces in Filenames Fix.
NEW Failsafe 2 Step Delete.
NEW Improved Database Scan Engine.
There are many Image Managers available in the Opencart Extensions Store all offering better and easier ways of uploading more images to your store.
But what about all the clutter left over from deleted products and those products where images have been changed or updated. These unused files can very quickly drain large chunks of your server space!
This extension scans your Opencart database for image references, and compares the result to the list of images residing on the server. You are presented with a list of "redundant" images and given the option to delete, ignore or add to a whitelist. For example, you may like to rotate some images to keep your website looking "fresh". Adding these images to your whitelist will prevent them from appearing in the list of "redundant" items.
Resize Large Images:
It is quite common practice to upload images in bulk by ftp. Often these images are far too large to be viewed on a computer screen meaning they have to be scaled down to view them properly. These images are often several hundred Kb in size and quickly consume up valuable server space. This extension provides the facility to resize your large images to a more manageable size both in terms of filesize and dimensions. And to make life even easier, there is an option to backup the large images to a separate folder on your server so that you can quickly and easily identify the affected files and download them for safekeeping if you need to keep the originals.
For Opencart 2.0.x compatibility, go here
- New Two step Delete Process. First step moves files to a 'deleted' folder where images can be permanently deleted or restored.
- Resize Large Images.
- Clear the image cache.
- List all "redundant" or "unregistered" images
- Thumbnail and location of each image
- Click on thumbnail for larger image to be sure you have the right one
- Option to delete images no longer required
- Option to add individual or groups of images to "whitelist"
- View / Edit Whitelist
- View / Restore / Permanently Remove 'deleted' images
- Select number of items to view (the more you choose to see on the page, the longer it will take to render!)
username and password:
Remember - you will need vQmod v2.1.7 (or later) if you have Opencart 1.5.4 (or later) installed
vQmod is available free from:
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