If your store sells products to other stores or you have your own sites, this extension can be useful for you. You can add customer sites that linked to customers. The inserted sites will be displayed on the frontend. If you go to the customer sites page, first the extension list the sites by countries and group them by zones. When you click a zone, the customer sites of that zone, and the details of them will be displayed. Also a nice looking google map will appear, marking where the customer sites are. You can add address, webadress, emails, telephone numbers and other details to customer sites. Both on frontend and admin Google Maps is displayed. The markers on the map based on the given customer site address. Link to customer sites added to the Footer for easier access.
Create customer sites linked to customers
Add address, webadress, email, telephone and other properties to customer site
Google maps based on address
Google maps on the backend and frontend
If the customer have orders, the bought products will be displayed on the frontend as marketed products
Customer Sites link added to the footer
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